Top 8 Best CRM Software for Architecture Firms

Top 8 Best CRM Software for Architecture Firms

The best CRM software for architecture firms is those which help you in impeccable project management, efficient workflow operations, and increased productivity.

In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, organizations/firms are built on a strong foundation of creativity and efficiency. Architectural firms have realized they need CRM software to manage complex projects and deliver personalized client experiences.

Every architecture firm has to work on projects, execute daily operations, manage their workflows, and everything else to be in the market and enhance their productivity. Whether you’re a small boutique architecture firm or a large enterprise, our analysis will guide you in making a smart decision to boost your firm’s performance.

This article will cover the top-notch CRM software for architecture firms and their offerings that will help you elevate your business to new heights of success.

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Why do architecture firms need a CRM software?

Architecture firms can greatly benefit from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software like every other business. A CRM for architecture firms plays a crucial role in the architecture industry, as it helps in project management, workflow optimization, and real-time collaborations. Below we have listed the key reasons why architecture firms need a CRM software:

Efficient Client Management

Architecture firms deal with multiple clients at a time, each with their unique requirements and project specifications. CRM software for architecture firms helps them centralize client data, interactions, and communications and maintains a complete profile of each client. This allows architects and project managers to better understand clients’ requirements and preferences.

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Streamlining Project Management​

A CRM system offers robust project tracking and collaboration features that help architecture firms seamlessly collaborate and communicate among team members. It ensures that the team has access to the most recent and relevant information and reduces miscommunications and project delays.

Lead and Opportunity Tracking​

CRM software for architecture firms allows them track potential leads throughout the entire sales cycle. This ensures that no potential opportunity slips through the cracks, and the team can follow up with leads, schedule meetings, and generate quotes or proposals instantly.

Customized Proposal Management​

A CRM system equipped with customizable proposal templates that streamlines the proposal creation process and makes it more efficient and professional. This enhances the firm’s image and increases the chances of securing contracts.

Enhanced Client Communication​

CRM software stores all client interactions, such as emails, calls, and meeting notes, in a centralized database. Besides this, CRM software has the capability of collaborating in real time, which ensures the data are shared easily, and the team members are well-informed during client interactions, avoiding redundancy and improving the overall client experience.

Data Security​

Architecture firms handle sensitive client data and project details. A CRM software for architecture firms safeguards these data against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Moreover, it helps firms comply with data protection regulations and keeps the data confidential.

Architecture firms need CRM software for Data Security

Data-Driven Decision Making​

CRM for architects generates valuable insights through data analytics and reporting. Architecture firms can make data-driven decisions to optimize their processes and identify areas for improvement by analyzing client preferences, project performance, and sales trends.

Best CRM software for Architecture Firms

We have made choosing the best CRM software for architecture firms easier. Checkout the list below (All the tools are personally researched) :

Lio (The best overall)​

So why do you think professionals need CRM software for client management? Project? Workflow? Resources? Finances? And the list goes on. Professionals want to manage everything in a single place without any hustle or effort.

That’s where Lio comes in, this all-in-one tool is made for project, workflow, resources, data, and finances management. Rest assured, this is one of the best CRM software for architecture firms as it offers comprehensive data and workflow management, improves productivity and efficiency, and helps you in real-time decision-making. Needless to say that you can easily streamline your workflow, manage your client’s data and projects, and manage all the regular finances of your architecture firm easily on your mobile.

Moreover, Lio is the best CRM for architects as it has a lot of features under its name, which include real-time collaboration, team and task management, business dashboards (for data and insights), business and WhatsApp automation, etc.

Features of Lio

  • Customizable apps
  • Project management
  • Workflow management
  • Resources management
  • Financial management
  • Team and task management
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Business dashboards
  • Business and WhatsApp automation
  • Lead management system
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Cloud-based document management from anywhere
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Another big name in CRM software for architecture firms is Salesforce. This customer 360 tool is one of the leading and most trusted CRM software that aligns teams and clients. From small to medium and enterprise-level businesses, this cloud-based tool is designed to help them manage their data, projects, communication, and customer experience all in a single space.

Another promising benefit of using this CRM software is its AI technology, as the AI helps in automating your business and improves the sales figures drastically. Customer 360 allows users to integrate with other major apps to ensure smooth operations and execution.

Features of Salesforce

  • Customer-centric approach
  • Adaptable and flexible
  • Scalable and secure
  • CRM analytics and automation
  • Project data and lead management
  • Project quote management
  • Contact management
  • Team collaboration

Zoho CRM

Trusted by around 2.5 lac business owners worldwide, Zoho is another best CRM software for architecture firms. This tool offers an end-to-end tailor-made solution to businesses, especially architecture firms, and contractors. Moreover, it is an integrated platform for monitoring sales, marketing, and customer experience. 

Zoho CRM helps businesses to manage their data in a unified platform and deliver exceptional customer experience. With the robust backend and a suite of features and data security Zoho CRM empowers businesses to function smoothly and securely.

Features of Zoho CRM

  • Sale Force Automation
  • Multi-channel marketing
  • Customer service and experience
  • Sales and performance management
  • Account management
  • Business and artificial intelligence
  • CRM integration and analytics
  • Marketing automation


JobProgress is a cloud-based business and CRM software for architecture firms designed primarily for contractors and home service professionals. It is an all-in-one solution to streamline various aspects of a contractor’s business operations. It offers other features like workflow management, online sales management, resource management, business and sales management, scheduling, estimating, invoicing, and more.

Its user-friendly mobile applications and effortless team collaboration can help architecture firms easily manage their complex projects. 

Features of JobProgress

  • Fully customizable workflow and customer relationship management
  • Cloud storage
  • Team collaboration
  • Remote business access
  • Dashboard workcenters
  • Sales and marketing management
  • Quick estimating, quoting, and scheduling
  • Employee and subcontractor management
  • Office, field and operations manager


HubSpot CRM is a popular cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform offering various tools and features to help businesses effectively manage customer interactions, sales pipelines, marketing efforts, and customer service.

HubSpot CRM has a centralized customer database, contact management, and sales pipeline tools that streamline sales processes and prioritize leads. This CRM for architects offers email tracking and automation and integrates the Marketing Hub for automated marketing campaigns. The user-friendly interface, scalability, and integration capabilities make this tool popular for businesses.

Features of HubSpot

  • Contact management
  • Lead management
  • Sales analytics and reporting
  • Business dashboards
  • Live chat to foster client relationships
  • Automated data capturing
  • Integration and marketing automation
  • Canned snippets
  • Meeting schedules


Unanet is an ERP and CRM software specially designed for project-based businesses. This tool is another of the most sought-after CRM software for architecture firms that allows them to manage their project lifecycles and helps them drive revenue and growth.

Unanet CRM allows users to automate their business processes by simply offering an entire suite of applications. Built especially for AEC (Architectural, engineering, and construction) firms that help the project managers to manage their project workflows, collaborate in real-time, and automate the complex and manual processes.

Features of Unanet

  • Out of the box adaptability and flexibility
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Drag and drop features
  • Dashboards
  • Automation capabilities
  • Best in class applications
  • App integrations
  • Project & resources management
  • Workflow management
  • Integrated email marketing
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Proposal management
  • Accounting, ERP & more
Unanet - CRM software for architecture firms


Another CRM software for architecture firms or small businesses already serves 2,00,000+ users/firms. It is easy to navigate and offers automation on projects, workflows, data management, resources, and other processes. Majorly, this tool allows users/firms to fetch more and more leads and grow their sales & revenue while streamlining their entire workflows and projects.

Keap allows users to actively track and monitor their data in real-time through its activity dashboards. Besides automation and project management, Keap allows users to easily collaborate and organize processes with their entire team. This CRM software for architecture firms can be your one-stop solution for accepting payments from your clients as it offers a platform for accepting single, multi, or recurring payments, where you can create quotes and convert them into invoices.

Features of Keap

  • Lead capturing and management
  • Business & marketing automation
  • Activity dashboard
  • Reminders
  • Business CRM
  • Reporting and analytics
  • App integration
  • Email and text marketing
  • Sales automation
  • Project lifecycle management
  • Data import capabilities


Copper CRM for architecture firms organizes client’s and project’s data such as deals, leads, contracts, proposals, and resources automatically in a single place. Copper CRM is designed to integrate seamlessly with Google Workspace, which makes it a popular choice for businesses that are already using Google’s productivity tools. This google workspace integration allows copper users to easily manage their contacts, leads, sales pipelines, and customer interactions directly from their Google Workspace account.

The other beneficial features of Copper are opportunity management, lead tracking and segmentation, document storage, reminder capabilities, and document storage facilities.

Features of Copper

  • Workflow management
  • Task automation capabilities
  • Organized data
  • Leads segmentation
  • Email marketing tools
  • Reporting and analytics
  • App integrations
  • Mobile friendly app
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The tools mentioned above are some of architecture firms’ best and most trusted CRM software. Before implementing any of the above software for your workflow or project management, you must take a demo/free trial and understand whether the software aligns with your requirements.

Remember, CRMs are the need of today’s competitive world, and no professional can grow beyond a mark without any CRM software. Pick a CRM tool that perfectly aligns with your organizational goals and start your journey towards growth & beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Fundamentally there are 4 types of CRMs:

  1. Operational
  2. Collaborative
  3. Strategic
  4. Analytical

Excel can be used as a basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, but it is not a dedicated CRM for architecture firms. CRM software is specifically designed to help businesses manage and analyze customer interactions, sales pipelines, and marketing efforts more efficiently. While Excel can be adapted to store customer data and track some sales-related information, it lacks the advanced features and automation capabilities found in dedicated CRM platforms.

CRM is necessary for small businesses. As it helps in managing customer interactions, sales, leads, and marketing efforts efficiently. CRM tools foster customer relationships, boost retention, and drive growth. CRM tools help small businesses in organizing data and make informed decisions and ensure enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction.

There are plenty of lifetime free CRM tools available; you need to figure out your preferences and needs. One of the best free CRM is HubSpot, as it offers amazing features free for a lifetime.tent

No, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are not the same. CRM focuses on managing customer interactions, sales, and marketing, while ERP integrates various business processes like finance, inventory, HR, and manufacturing. Both systems complement each other, enhancing overall business efficiency and decision-making.

Lio is a fully customizable project and workflow management tool. Lio is best for individuals or professionals who want to plan, manage and organize their workflow and projects. You can easily manage your project data, resources, and workflows and even collaborate with your team in real-time. You will find managing your architecture firms and projects much easier on this all-in-one project and workflow management tool. For more information about Lio, You can call our sales and support team for more information.

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